Sunday, November 2, 2008

Comfort Food- Macaroni and Cheese

There is a reason why so few of us have had homemade macaroni and cheese and why the instant stuff is such a household staple- its hard work to make the real thing!

I have to admit, that while I was making this, sweating from cheese grating and juggling a pot of boiling macaroni while trying to make the perfect roux for the cheese sauce I thought "This better be worth it." And it is worth it! Boxed, frozen and restaurant Macaroni and Cheese don't hold a candle to this recipe.

It is so yummy for dinner, lunch the next day and dinner again if its just you and hubby :) A big crunchy salad is the perfect mac and cheese partner, so I have included recipes from Joy of Cooking: All About Salads (my salad bible) for variations on the basic vinaigrette.

Martha's Creamy Macaroni and Cheese
Basic Vinaigrette

photo from

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